The experience of the environment

The outside place I feel most comfortable in is my house’s balcony. From there, I am able to observe from above, the streets of my neighbourhood. I choose this place because it is where I ussually spent all of my time at home near by, sitting in the sofa reading listening to music. The building I live in is oriented to the south est. Therefore, in the mornings, when the sun comes up, light is projected through the balcony’s picture windows creating a warm and safe ambience. These windows are located at the salon which is primarly built in wood. I feel at ease when I observe the interior bathed in gold light, when the wood seems red, but also when I look outdoors. I can take a glimpse to the life of my street and its surroundings. It is also very comforting to see the vivid green trees down the street and the ancient houses facades. I think my street has an authentic local look that distinguish itself. This vibe is caused mainly by its valencian 19th century architecture and its habitants. The space that envelops this environment makes me feel at home, connects me with myself and my origins.
Nevertheless, there are some disruptive elements at the background. Living in the center of the city we can listen to some cars or the bell’s ring from the cathedral anouncing the hour. Due to the proximity of a school, we can also perceived noise from children screaming and laughing. But what is mostly disruptive arrives at the time of Fallas festivities. We are then surrounded by a lot of noise to late hours in the night. You can also find a jazz club in my street. In the afternoon, you can listen to live concerts from the balcony. It can be sometimes annoying but I find it quite wonderful.
I don’t think I will feel the same way in another space right now because no other place in the world feels the same comfortness and sense of home like here. It is a place where I currently spend a lot of the time in so it is extra difficult to feel the same way in another place. I think part of it is because of the particular conditions of this space. It is open, green, familiar and calm so this ambience could influence its occupants. Despite of the disruptive elements, I don’t think I would change anything about this space because it wouldn’t be the same without them.
The experience through the texts

Atmospheres, by Peter Zumthors presents values and biases about environments in architecture and how construction is not just a physical phenomenon but rather a philosophical one. Moreover, this book poses an approach on how forms and composition produce emotional sensibilities that stimulate and move people. The author goes beyond appearance into a deeper understanding of the ambiance and presence of objects in their respective surroundings. He explains how to experience it through sensibilities; light, temperature or intimacy. An exploration of space through sensorial qualities like sound or air that makes the visitors associate it with memory and familiarity.
While reading it, it almost seem like a dialogue in self-reflection, analysing atmospheres through questions, answers and anecdotes. The book present architecture been lived by its presence and beauty. The author uses philosophy, paintings, short stories and experiences to make people understand what architecture and atmosphere is, what it means to him and how he achieves them while designing his structures. I find it interesting how he mentions Nietzsche’s philosophy to communicate the power of art, music and architecture as well as other artisitc examples to pronunciate in the intensity, mood, thoughts and magic these atmospheres produce.
In my opinion, this book invites me to investigate architecture in a light that is more introspective and sensitive. It offers perspective to look at details with a mindful eye. Reading this book helped me react to architecture the same way I would to music and literature. Zumthor’s work has been a source of surprise and has brought me to appreciate the art of building that goes beyond form.
This last summer, I travelled all around Europe during a month. At the end of my journey, I went to Munich where we decided to take a break day to the shore of the Eisbach river. We spent all the day lying down on the grass, tooking photos and swimming. I remember it like a bright sunny fun day where the atmosphere caught us and make us forget how fast the time was passing.
These are some analogic photos of the site that I think capture perfectly the atmosphere we experience.