My name is Inés Solaz Marín and I am a first year degree student of Fundamentos de la Arquitectura in the UPV. My personality is outgoing, optimistic and curious. I love exploring the world and its cultures because I always find new ways to view and understand my surroundings. I had the chance to visit a good amount of countries where I was able to connect with its architecture. Habitats change between communities depending on their religion, their history or their tradition.
Discovering and learning through the observation are things I personally am passionate about. In fact, since I was little I was always very interested in arts. Most of my time I would draw, read books or listen to music. I also love visiting museums and reflecting on them. A curious fact about me is that my favourite toy was legos. When I grew up, I started being interested in the art of film, photography and architecture. I love photographing this art and beyond, observing the light, color, angles and perspectives that can be expressed in an image that ultimately reflects reality.
Whenever I watch a new film or visit a new building I always tend to mark my reflections so I can have my references for the future. Moreover, whenever I visit a space that moves me I try to draw it. Here are some of my latest drawings.

Once, my friend Claudia told me “I always thought that people whenever geting old, didn’t put special attention to observe in detail the world that surrounds them in their daily basis, but after meeting you, I changed my mind.”
We were asked to incorporate a quote that defined us and I couldn’t find anything better to put that something one of my friends said to me.
It prooves to me how much I try to reflect on what I see and experience and how I shared my curiosity and illusion with the people I love and care about.
During this semester, I have been part of a practical group team composed by my mates Guillermo, Esther, Federico and Abdelillah. I have enjoy very much working with them and being able to know them by listening to what they had to say on the topics that we have study together, the Huerta’s field practice or the future architecture reflection.